“government” Charts

America: Land of the Free But Home of the Overworked »

There are 196 countries on Planet Earth. 92% of them mandate time off each week, 95% of them mandate paid…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 1496
Score: 9

The Best Vanishing Act Since Houdini: The IRS E-mails »

The IRS says that due to a computer crash, email correspondence that could possibly incriminate the Internal Revenue Service is…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 595
Score: 9

Racial Distinctions within the New Senate »

The newly elected members of the Senate are meant to be an embodiment of the American people and representative of…

Lauren G.
by: Lauren G.
views: 362
Score: 7

Least Productive Year for Congress »

As of the end of November, Congress has passed only 52 bills since January, making 2013 the third consecutive year…

No Labels
by: No Labels
views: 473
Score: 7

What's The Biggest Problem Facing the Nation? »

Are Americans unable to come together to decide on a single top problem facing the nation, or are there simply…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 628
Score: 6

Spend It Or Lose It »

What happens when federal government agencies that spend all their money are rewarded with bigger budgets? This chart breaks down…

The Public Notice
by: The Public Notice
views: 586
Score: 6

How Well Does The Government Represent You? »

Even though women and people of color can run for office, they have a hard time being elected. Our current…

by: Noah
views: 383
Score: 4

What Does a Moderate Believe? »

In our day and age of deep partisan politicking, one does not often hear about those in the middle: the…

by: Noah
views: 356
Score: 4

Partisan Gridlock Top Complaint From Americans »

Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Congress. In an Gallup poll, 59 percent of Americans listed a concern related to partisan…

No Labels
by: No Labels
views: 213
Score: 4

Salary, Sex and Officials/ Administrators in Government »

(Data from 2009) Equal pay for equal work seems like a no-brainer. What then could the reason be for women…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 249
Score: 3

Salary, Sex and Professionals in Government »

(Data from 2009) The wage gap with government professionals is clearly larger than the disparity shown for officials/ administrators earlier…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 235
Score: 2

What Should the Government Do About Poverty? »

Over 50% of Americans believe the government should do "a lot" in order to reduce the rate of poverty in…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 297
Score: 2

Americans Who Tuned Into the State of the Union Address »

Each successive year of President Obama's presidency has been marked by lower viewership of the State of the Union Address.…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 116
Score: 2

#TortureReport: Does Religion Change Opinions on Torture? »

A poll following the recent Senate Intelligence Committee report detailing CIA "enhanced interrogation techniques" on suspected terrorists has found nonreligious…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 407
Score: 2

Americans Are Expecting A Lot From Their Government »

When it comes to prioritization, the American people place a great deal of importance on a plethora of issues. Despite…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 174
Score: 2

#ScrapPork: 2010 Pork Barrel Spending in U.S. House of Reps. »

Four out of the top five total earmark spenders are Democrats. In addition, Democrat Jim Moran ranked second in top…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 258
Score: 2

The US Government Owes Lots Of Money ... To Itself »

About 30 percent of the total US federal debt falls under the category of intragovernmental holdings: money the government owes…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 487
Score: 2

How Ready Are We for a Woman President? »

The % who felt we would be better governed with more women is up from 57% in 1995 and 2000.…

by: Noah
views: 248
Score: 2

Federal Tax Revenue 2015: $3.3 Trillion »

This is how President Obama proposes collecting $3.34 trillion in tax revenue in fiscal year 2015. Tax revenue will cover…

Nat'l Priorities Project
by: Nat'l Priorities Project
views: 601
Score: 2

Parties Agree on Inequality Problem, but Not the Solution »

Democrats and Republicans agree the wage gap has increased significantly since 2004. Less than half of conservatives think the government…

Jillian Schweizer
by: Jillian Schweizer
views: 246
Score: 2

It's Official...Americans Like Dog Poop Better Than Congress »

While Congress remains divided amidst the government shutdown, Americans are united in their disapproval of the legislating body. Of registered…

Michael Collier
by: Michael Collier
views: 233
Score: 2

Medicare and Social Security’s Cloudy Future »

Predicting your financial future is hard. Markets tank, rates go up, and kids play 52 card pick up with your…

The Public Notice
by: The Public Notice
views: 309
Score: 2

$10 Million Per Minute to Subsidize Fossil Fuels »

The fossil fuel industry receives a combined $5.3 trillion per year in subsidies from governments across the world. This is…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 419
Score: 1

Government Professionals: Salary and Race »

(Data from 2009) It is clear that whites are still the predominant group in professional government employment at all salary…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 241
Score: 1

National Aggregate: Part-Time Government Employment and Race »

(Data from 2009) Interestingly, females are more likely than men to work part-time for the government. It seems this may…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 163
Score: 1

Regulation - Job Killers or Overhyped Rhetoric? »

Between 1984 and 1994, total environmental expenditures measured by the Pollution Abatement Cost and Expenditure survey in all manufacturing industries…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 603
Score: 1

Slow pace for women in the Senate »

Women have made gains in the Senate since 1994, nevertheless they have only increased from 7 to 20 seats. Of…

Amparo C.
by: Amparo C.
views: 232
Score: 1

Revolving Door: Where Are Ex-Congress Members Now? (2014) »

The revolving door phenomenon is not a myth.

by: SavvyRoo
views: 188
Score: 1

Annual Lobbying Spending Across Major U.S. Industries »

The pharmaceutical and health products industry spent over $40 million more in 2013 on lobbying than any other industry. If…

by: kendramayer2017
views: 168
Score: 1

In Government We Trust... Not to Let Ebola Take the U.S. »

Most Americans have either fairly or very high confidence that the federal government will prevent a major outbreak of Ebola.…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 255
Score: 1

America Admires Inspirational Leaders over Good Politicians »

When asked whether it was more important for a President either to inspire the population or to get Congress to…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 113
Score: 1

What Are Coins Costing Us? »

Despite the penny's bad rep for costing more to make than its final worth, there is some good news to…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 240
Score: 1

The Big Three: Spending On The Largest Federal Agencies »

As the government grows, so does its budget. The federal spending on the government's three largest agencies is certainly no…

Cato Institute
by: Cato Institute
views: 309
Score: 1

The Truth About Global Government Spending »

Following the 2008 financial crisis, many pundits claimed that a major cause of the persistent worldwide economic recession was the…

Cato Institute
by: Cato Institute
views: 263
Score: 1

Making Sense of the Standoff: Partisanship Peaks in 2014 »

A 20-year look at the ideological firmness of the US electorate found a peak in partisanship in 2014. Democrats and…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 140
Score: 1

Your Politics May Be a Strong Predicator of Where You Live »

In a study of the divisive political ideology that currently grips America, Pew Research found that the polar ends of…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 178
Score: 1