$10 Million Per Minute to Subsidize Fossil Fuels

by William Achnitz III on May 27, 2015 | Views: 412 | Score: 1
United States699
Amount spent (in billions)
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William Achnitz III
William Achnitz III on May 27, 2015 7:08 AM said:

The fossil fuel industry receives a combined $5.3 trillion per year in subsidies from governments across the world. This is a cost incurred by the taxpayer before the taxpayer even pays for the energy itself. As Lord Nicholas Stern notes, these subsidies "distort markets and damage economies." If you are on the fence about renewable energy technologies, you might want to reconsider your position.

Kent F.
Kent F. on May 28, 2015 11:28 AM said:

Fine work, William.

Sandra W.
Sandra W. on Jun 20, 2015 6:08 AM said:

How do we in america "pay"those subsidies?

Where are those details?

William Achnitz III
William Achnitz III on Jul 13, 2015 4:46 PM said:

See the following report: www.treasury.gov/open/Documen…