Culture Charts

Beliebers of Democracy? »

As many of us know, (whether we want to or not) Justin Bieber was arrested on charges of a DUI…

Matt Hartill
by: Matt Hartill
views: 652
Score: 19

No Religion, No Problem »

A PEW religious affiliation survey revealed that in 2012, over 45 million Americans described their religious affiliation as "none." Only…

Jacob Jedamus-Denu
by: Jacob Jedamus-Denu
views: 794
Score: 18

The Most Deadly Creature on the Planet »

Despite all the hype around "Shark Week," sharks only kill about 10 people a year. It's the humans (475, 000)…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 690
Score: 15

#Ferguson Profiling? »

Ferguson police are much more likely to stop, search and arrest African-American drivers than white ones. When stopped, blacks are…

Michael Collier
by: Michael Collier
views: 1781
Score: 14

What's The Biggest Threat to the World? »

Well, it depends on where you live. These results aren't particularly surprising, but they reveal how much people's experience at…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 767
Score: 13

Children Living in Poverty »

Across the U.S., large numbers of children are affected by one or more risk factors linked to academic failure and…

views: 1166
Score: 13

The United States of Consumption »

The United States, with less than 5 percent of global population, consumes 22 percent of the world’s oil, 13 percent…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 1255
Score: 13

The Buzz vs. The Bulge: Caffeine and Calories »

Are you consuming a quick pick-me-up or a liquid meal? A great look at the caffeine content compared to calories…

Matt Hartill
by: Matt Hartill
views: 682
Score: 12

Teachers Were Never The Problem »

Social science research over the last few decades has shown that two thirds of student achievement is a product of…

In These Times
by: In These Times
views: 710
Score: 12

Raising the Minimum Wage is a Political No-Brainer »

Raising the minimum wage is simply not a controversial issue — except on Capitol Hill. Poll after poll reveals that…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 995
Score: 12

Women Under-Represented in Media »

Women are still grossly under-represented in media. The chart above shows the distribution of bylines for print journalists from January…

The Media Consortium
by: The Media Consortium
views: 1526
Score: 12

Race Distribution in the NFL (2014) »

Blacks are the majority in the NFL, but did you know that there are actually zero black kickers in the…

Noah Maney
by: Noah Maney
views: 387
Score: 11

Ignored Issues »

Really? What's more important? Because it isn't as though human trafficking and child slavery aren't real issues.

Zero Atolia
by: Zero Atolia
views: 403
Score: 11

90% of Corn Planted in US is Genetically Modified »

Genetically modified corn varieties now account for 90% of all corn planted in the United States. The jury is still…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 707
Score: 11

US Imprisons More Citizens Than Any Other Nation »

The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with 24% of the world's prisoner population, while only…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 562
Score: 11

White People: Blinded by Privilege? »

Most black people (much more so than white people) say that blacks face a lot of discrimination. And they would…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 741
Score: 10

When News Leaves You Knowing Less »

In a survey conducted in New Jersey, NPR listeners were much more likely to know that Egyptians successfully overthrew their…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 687
Score: 10

GLBTQ Marriage »

States supporting Freedom to Marry

Cortney S. Warren, Ph.D.
by: Cortney S. Warren, Ph.D.
views: 751
Score: 10

Reefer Madness Could Bring Big Bucks »

The generated tax from marijuana in Colorado could be massive according to a recent NBC survey. NBC spoke to 18…

Jacob Jedamus-Denu
by: Jacob Jedamus-Denu
views: 794
Score: 10

Does this Shirt Make my Economy Look Fat? »

A recent Gallup poll indicates despite beliefs that economic conditions are improving, "Americans are increasingly pessimistic about the future of…

Matt Hartill
by: Matt Hartill
views: 631
Score: 10

The secret to happiness »

How happy are you? Very happy? Somewhat happy? After 40 years of research, social scientists have attributed happiness to 3…

by: AEI
views: 973
Score: 10

GOP-Backed Voting Laws Target And Hurt Young Minority Voters »

A new report highlights the numerous ways “young voters of color” are affected by restrictive voting laws that have been…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 1160
Score: 10

Changing Views: Are people born gay? »

According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 47% of people surveyed believe that being gay or lesbian is something a person…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 702
Score: 10

Who Values Empathy Most in America? »

Just over half of consistently conservative Americans believe empathy is an especially important value to pass on to their posterity.…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 1368
Score: 9

Gun Homicide Has Seen 49% Change Since 1993, Public Unaware »

Even though nearly 6-in-10 Americans believe that gun crime has increased in the last twenty years, in actuality, it has…

by: Noah
views: 727
Score: 9

Land of the Free, Home of the Paranoid »

Since 1999, the primary reasons gun owners in America posses weapons has changed dramatically. Those saying their weapons are primarily…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 519
Score: 9

The Real-World Money Tree?!?! »

Colorado is seeing GREEN. Both kinds. And lots of it. The legal marijuana-market is far exceeding the $70 million annual…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 544
Score: 9

Tiny Houses for the Homeless: A Big Idea Has Arrived »

More than 3.5 million people experience homelessness in the United States each year. But a growing number of towns and…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 895
Score: 9

Do YOU Approve? »

Gallup's historical look at overall Presidential approval ratings ranging from Truman to Bush. You may be surprised by some of…

Matt Hartill
by: Matt Hartill
views: 589
Score: 9

Injustice for One is Injustice for All »

While there is roughly a 150% increase in justifiable murders by all other nonwhites against blacks, when compared to total…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 571
Score: 9

Uncle Sam Smokes the Chronic, War on Drugs $1 Tril Failure »

The US leads the world in legal and illegal drug use, particularly in regards to marijuana and cocaine. The US…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 536
Score: 9

#Lies: The Most Prolific Lie Ever Told... »

"I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions." You know you've done it. You've clicked that little box…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 636
Score: 8

How Much Do You Trust the Internet? »

When asked to describe their levels of trust in news gathered from online-only sources such as Yahoo! News, BuzzFeed, and…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 500
Score: 8

No Place Like Home »

According to a 2008 PEW research survey, 57% of American adults have never moved outside of their home state. The…

Jacob Jedamus-Denu
by: Jacob Jedamus-Denu
views: 456
Score: 8

Party Affiliation Reaches a Low With Millennials »

In a recent Pew study, America's youngest adult generation - the Millennials - report the lowest levels of political affiliation…

In These Times
by: In These Times
views: 423
Score: 8

Number of Female National Legislators on the Rise »

Women as a percentage of all national legislators around the world have nearly doubled their numbers since 1997. Change has…

Worldwatch Institute
by: Worldwatch Institute
views: 707
Score: 8