Annual Lobbying Spending Across Major U.S. Industries

by kendramayer2017 on Oct 15, 2014 | Views: 167 | Score: 1
Lobbying expenditure in 2013
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products226429456
Oil & Gas144941531
Electric Utilities129927074
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kendramayer2017 on Oct 15, 2014 5:08 AM said:

The pharmaceutical and health products industry spent over $40 million more in 2013 on lobbying than any other industry. If that fact isn't shocking enough, then consider the Pharm/Health industry's spending in 2013 was actually a 10 million dollar cut from its 2012 spending ($236,140,389).

Noah on Oct 15, 2014 6:12 AM said:

And that was a non-national election year.

hgelhot1 on Nov 17, 2014 8:33 PM said:

Let me think... If we...the ordinary citizens (as ignorant as we are, Mr. Gruber)are not there after we elect these guys & gals, then WHO fills the vacuum?? Lobbyists!

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Peter Graham
Peter Graham on Dec 13, 2014 10:52 AM said:

Unfortunately, we have made it increasingly easy for big business to worm its way into politics. How much different from straight out blackmail is it really for a corporation or industry to threaten to switch campaign funding to your rival if you don't vote a certain way in Congress?