What Does a Moderate Believe?

by Noah on Jun 5, 2014 | Views: 355 | Score: 4
Moderates support the following statements
Gov't not doing enough to help economy53
Current gun laws are sufficient to protect me and my community58
Gov't going too far in collecting personal information71
More background checks for gun buyers84
People who want to get ahead in America can make it if they work hard85
More investment in wind and solar energy90
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Noah on May 16, 2014 5:41 AM said:

In our day and age of deep partisan politicking, one does not often hear about those in the middle: the moderates. While usually supporting a hands-off approach from government as far as managing what are considered individual issues (gun laws, drug laws, etc.), they also narrowly advocate for more government involvement in the economy and investment in green technologies.

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