In Government We Trust... Not to Let Ebola Take the U.S.

by SavvyRoo on Oct 13, 2014 | Views: 261 | Score: 1
How much confidence do you have in federal government to prevent a major outbreak of Ebola virus in U.S.?0
Great deal20
Fair amount38
Not much24
Don't know1
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SavvyRoo on Oct 7, 2014 9:48 AM said:

Most Americans have either fairly or very high confidence that the federal government will prevent a major outbreak of Ebola. Still, 41% are not that confident, or not at all confident. When it comes to our own vulnerability though, we are less concerned. Just 11% are very worried that they or someone in their family will be exposed.

hgelhot1 on Nov 17, 2014 8:27 PM said:

Just look at the pattern of the government in other endeavors....

Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Dec 7, 2014 11:40 AM said:

The US government hasn't always had the best track record, but I do believe that one of the most important functions of any government is to protect its citizenry. So far, anyway, we haven't seen a major outbreak of Ebola.