No Place Like Home

by Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Mar 13, 2014 | Views: 457 | Score: 8
Same Town37
Same State20
Two States15
Three States12
Four or More States15
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Jacob Jedamus-Denu
Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Mar 13, 2014 2:17 PM said:

According to a 2008 PEW research survey, 57% of American adults have never moved outside of their home state. The survey indicates that adults who stay put do so mainly because of family ties or to raise children.

Anonymous on Mar 17, 2014 8:10 AM said:

This is great. It would be interesting to see some demographic comparisons between the 37% home-towners and 15% three-staters. Are folks more likely to move that have, for instance, more education? Or are certain types of careers more conducive to relocating?
Also, differences between states of origin- I've noticed that Oregonians don't seem to move out of state much, whereas the folks in my home state of Colorado seem more likely to relocate. They are both great places, and if anything, the economy is better in Colorado than in Oregon. On the other hand, Oregonians seem more likely to come from families that have been there for generations, and Colorado families tend to be more recent arrivals.

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