Reefer Madness Could Bring Big Bucks

by Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Feb 18, 2014 | Views: 795 | Score: 10
Created with Highcharts 4.2.3 /Highstock 4.2.3$ in millionsGenerated tax inColoradoAlcoholic beverages in2013Cigarettes in 2013Marijuana (estimatio…Marijuana (estimation for2014)2014)020406080100120140160180
Generated tax in Colorado
Alcoholic beverages in 201339.9
Cigarettes in 2013165.5
Marijuana (estimation for 2014)67
$ in millions
Jacob Jedamus-Denu
Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Feb 18, 2014 11:06 AM said:

The generated tax from marijuana in Colorado could be massive according to a recent NBC survey. NBC spoke to 18 of the 35 currently licensed recreational marijuana retailers in Colorado and concluded that those surveyed yielded $1.24 million in taxes for the month of January 2014. Some of those establishments had only sold marijuana for four days.

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