#Lies: The Most Prolific Lie Ever Told...

by SavvyRoo on Dec 20, 2014 | Views: 636 | Score: 8
Would rather read an instruction manual or credit card bill than the online termsHave suffered as a result of not reading fully the terms and conditions of an online contractBecame locked into a longer term contract than expected by not reading the terms and conditionsActually read the terms and conditions of online contracts
Percent of Americans that...5821107
Sources: theguardian.com
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SavvyRoo on Dec 20, 2014 7:01 AM said:

"I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions." You know you've done it. You've clicked that little box without meticulously reading the 28 page document full of legalese. While you are certainly not alone, lies often have consequences, and this one is no different.

favorite of Lauren G. Kamil Skwarek Anthony Sibley (AJ)