“violence” Charts

What's The Biggest Threat to the World? »

Well, it depends on where you live. These results aren't particularly surprising, but they reveal how much people's experience at…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 745
Score: 13

The Deadly Legal Drug »

According to the "Global status report on alcohol and health 2014," 5.9% of deaths worldwide are attributable to alcohol. Even…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 611
Score: 7

How Many Rapes Actually Lead to Prison Time? »

Unfortunately this means that for every 100 rapes, 97 rapists will walk free without spending a single day in prison.…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 457
Score: 6

Murder Victims by Relationship »

In 2011, family murders accounted for 13.8% of the 12,664 total murders in the U.S., though this percentage may actually…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 462
Score: 5

The Baltimore Riots: Does Violence Solve Anything? »

Following the death of Freddie Grey, a young black man seemingly killed at the hands of the Baltimore police, the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 436
Score: 4

Arrests by Crime Type »

In 2011, there were a total of 12,408,899 arrests made in the United States (not including the 1,424 arrests made…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 419
Score: 4

The Occupy Movement Has Run Out of Steam »

Since 2011, there have been at least 7,762 Occupy protesters arrested in 122 different U.S. cities since Occupy Wall Street…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 311
Score: 2

Top 10 Deadliest States...If You're Black »

Specifically the most dangerous place to be black is Omaha. Thirty black people were murdered in Nebraska in 2011, 27…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 239
Score: 1

Top 10 States: Homicide Rates of Females Murdered by Males »

These ten states represent the ten highest homicide rates of females murdered by males. It is important to remember that…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 232
Score: 1

It Just Doesn't Matter With Donald Trump »

Outbursts at Trump rallies have become quite the norm. However, one could argue they've increased with both frequency and intensity,…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 145

America's Most Dangerous Cities »

The world is undoubtedly a dangerous place, but some places harbor more risks than others. You might want to increase…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 258

What Caused The Uproar In Baltimore? »

Without a doubt, the riots in Baltimore is a complicated topic to tackle, with many conflicting viewpoints and prospective causes.…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 150

How Americans View The Baltimore Riots »

Were the riots in Baltimore justified by the untimely death of an African American man, or are the violent demonstrations…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 188

Is Islam A More Violent Religion? »

Is Islam truly a religion of peace? The American public isn't so sure. According to a recent Rasmussen report, a…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 145

The Victims Race Could Change The Length Of Sentence »

Statistically, based on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report’s Supplemental Homicide Reports

(1976-2007) the race of the subject could change the…

Joseph Abay
by: Joseph Abay
views: 141

Top 5 Most Violent US Cities »

Apparently people living in cities that spend more on police are not necessarily safer. Detroit and St. Louis top the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 133

This Chart Helps Explain Why Children Flee Across the Border »

Tens of thousands of children have been detained at the U.S.-Mexico border this year, most of them from Central America.…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 118

Top Ten Nations Sending Refugees to the US »

The total number of refugees granted asylum in the U.S. in 2013 has not yet been tallied, but 262,023 refugees…

by: Noah
views: 113

If You're A Woman, You're More Likely To Be Street Harassed »

Nearly two-thirds of women (65%) have experienced street harassment, with a frightening 41% experiencing aggressive forms including touching, following, flashing…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 128

Despite Mass Shootings, Americans Still Against Gun Bans »

Despite the recent mass shootings such as Newton CT and the US Naval Yard, the majority of Americans are still…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 86

Americans Blame Mental Health System for Mass Shootings »

Following the US Naval Yard mass-shooting, Americans were asked how much they felt various societal factors influenced mass-shootings. 48% believe…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 395

Should the U.S. continue to aid Egypt? »

According to a recent PEW survey, 51% of Americans believe that the U.S. government should cut off military aid to…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 103

Police Officers Killed by Day of the Week »

Law enforcement officers are least likely to be feloniously killed on Sundays and most likely to be killed on Thursdays.…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 294

Police Officers are in the Most Danger During P.M. Hours »

Of the 543 U.S. law enforcement officers feloniously killed from 2002-2011, 41.1% were killed from 4:01 p.m. to Midnight. Officers…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 175

Justifiable Homicides Committed by Private Citizens »

After decreasing from 1997 to 2000, the justifiable homicide trend reversed, and the number of justifiable homicides committed by private…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 225

Violent Crime Rate by County Size »

In 2011, U.S. metropolitan areas with populations less than 25,000 had the highest violent crime rates, with an average of…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 270

Should Americans worry about handguns? »

From 2007 to 2010, the number of people murdered from handguns dropped from 7,398 to 6,115. However, in 2011, the…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 231

Murder Victims and Offenders by Age »

In 2011, more Americans ages 20-24 were murdered (2,329) than any other age group, comprising 18.4% of all U.S. murder…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 257

Murder Victims by Race and Sex »

In 2011, 42.8% of the murder victims in the U.S. were black males (5.416 victims), making black males the most…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 244

Drug Abuse Violation Arrests »

Possession of marijuana accounted for the largest percentage of arrests for drug abuse violations (43%). Sale/manufacturing of drugs only constituted…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 260

Regional Crime Rates »

The Southern Region of the U.S. has both the highest property crime rate and the highest violent crime rate of…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 181

The Mass Shooting Epidemic »

Though varying from yearly, the number of people killed in mass shootings in the U.S. has generally increased since 1982.…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 335

What is the most used murder weapon? »

There were 8,583 murder victims killed by firearms in the U.S. in 2011, making firearms the most used murder weapon.…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 870