Drug Abuse Violation Arrests

by Steven Davies on Jul 10, 2013 | Views: 261 | Score: 0
Sale/Manufacturing of heroin or cocaine and their derivatives6.3
Sale/Manufacturing of marijuana6.2
Sale/Manufacturing of synthetic or manufactured drugs1.8
Sale/Manufacturing of other dangerous nonnarcotic drugs4
Possession of heroin or cocaine and their derivatives16.7
Possessionof marijuana43.3
Possession of synthetic or manufactured drugs4.6
Possession of other dangerous nonnarcotic drugs17.2
Sources: fbi.gov
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Steven Davies
Steven Davies on Jul 10, 2013 2:23 PM said:

Possession of marijuana accounted for the largest percentage of arrests for drug abuse violations (43%). Sale/manufacturing of drugs only constituted 18.2% of arrests, while possession of drugs made up 81.8%.