“tv” Charts

The Shows We Can't Resist »

Of the top ten most-watched cable TV shows, The Walking Dead and Duck Dynasty come out on top. Leading the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 239
Score: 5

American Adults Prefer Zombies to the Winter Olympics »

On Sunday February 8th, Americans had a choice to watch a Mid-Season Premier of AMC's The Walking Dead, or some…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 184
Score: 4

MLB Revenue: 2010 vs. 2014 #OpeningDay »

The average MLB team is now worth 1.2 billion, which is a 48% increase over last year. MLB's new national…

Kamil Skwarek
by: Kamil Skwarek
views: 303
Score: 2

Looking For Good TV? This Is The Network You Want To Watch »

When it comes to creating excellent television, HBO does it better than any other network. With ninety-nine Emmy nominations in…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 154
Score: 2

Where Did You Get Yesterday's News In 2012? »

Television news sources have managed to keep their audiences despite the rise of the internet. However, this might be changing…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 226
Score: 2

Preferred Media for News, by age »

Television dominates Americans' primary source for news across all age demographics, though the Internet's popularity among 18 - 49 year…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 203
Score: 2

Soon You Won't Be Able to Escape Ads No Matter Where You Go »

Large internet sites, such as Facebook, ESPN, and Yahoo, have dramatically increased the supply of online-video-ad space, driving historically hindering…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 164
Score: 1

No More Science "Guy" — How to Bring More Women into STEM »

Currently, 25% of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) jobs are held by women—and those women generally make less money…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 472
Score: 1

Amount Spent on Material Purchases »

TV, Stereo and Computer purchases were the most expensive purchases within the material condition with a median amount of $235.00…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 247
Score: 1

Are We Satisfied With Our Technology? »

Technology has come a long way in the past decade. With the rise of smart technology, the pace of progress…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 176

Can We Live Without It? »

Are Americans hopelessly dependent on the social crutches that we use every day? According to a recent Harris Interactive poll,…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 169

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much TV? Not For Millennials. »

Have you binge-watched the latest episodes of The Walking Dead? What about Breaking Bad? If you're a younger American, the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 172

The Danger Behind Unbundling Cable TV »

At first glance, unbundling cable TV seems like a great idea. Only pay for the channels you want to watch,…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 100

How Much Content does ESPN Produce? »

The 46,631 number can be broken down into 29,732 hours of events and 16,889 hours of studio programming. Their content…

Kamil Skwarek
by: Kamil Skwarek
views: 116

The Biggest Personalities On TV »

When it comes to TV personalities, the bigger the better. Simon Cowell and Howard Stern top the list, each earning…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 127

Our Horrifying Screen Time Obsession »

It's time to face the truth, we are obsessed with our technology. Every single day, Americans spend on average 444…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 167

This Just In: America's Primary Source For News Is... »

CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news channels are the outlets that most Americans turn to for breaking news.…

Kathleen Reynolds
by: Kathleen Reynolds
views: 133

The Healthy Kid Equation: More Activity! »

Kids and teens between 6 and 17 need at least 60 minutes of activity a day. That's not much when…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 334

More Than Changing the Channel »

Today, it isn't about the television channel we're watching, it's about how we're watching the television. Even though the number…

Eric Sirjord
by: Eric Sirjord
views: 169

The Magazineman »

The fact that Newsweek is no longer available in print should be no shock after viewing the dramatic decrease of…

Eric Sirjord
by: Eric Sirjord
views: 130

2012 Cinema Screens Types by Global Region »

With 42,803 cinema screens, the U.S./Canada region has more screens than any other region in the world. U.S./Canada has fewer…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 156

Preferred Media for News, by political affiliation »

Television remains the primary source of news across political parties, though is significantly favored among Republicans. Independents strongly favored the…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 195

Preferred Media for News, by education »

Television's popularity as a go-to news source steadily declines with higher education, while print enjoys highest rates of favor among…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 177

America's Top News Media Breakdown »

Over half of the United States turns to the television as its main source of news. Internet claimed just over…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 133