“gridlock” Charts

Least Productive Year for Congress »

As of the end of November, Congress has passed only 52 bills since January, making 2013 the third consecutive year…

No Labels
by: No Labels
views: 476
Score: 7

112th Least Productive Congress, 113th Might Be Even Worse »

The 112th Congress was the least productive in recorded history. And yet, the current Congress is, as of now, even…

No Labels
by: No Labels
views: 530
Score: 6

Only Thing Dems and Reps Agree: I Don't Like Your President »

While presidents in the middle of the 20th Century enjoyed relatively high approval ratings from voters in the opposing party…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 246
Score: 4

Partisan Gridlock Top Complaint From Americans »

Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Congress. In an Gallup poll, 59 percent of Americans listed a concern related to partisan…

No Labels
by: No Labels
views: 214
Score: 4

Fundamental Problems with Congress: Gerrymandered Safe Seats »

89% of House seats are considered safely in the hands of one party. The rest, excluding those that significantly "favor"…

Civil Politics
by: Civil Politics
views: 249
Score: 4

Are America's Best Years Ahead of Us or Behind Us? »

When Americans were asked whether America's best years were ahead of us or behind us, Republicans were more likely to…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 293
Score: 4

An Unproductive Congress »

Over the most recent Congresses, there has been a drop in productivity as a smaller percentage of bills introduced actually…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 158
Score: 4

80% of Americans Disapprove of Congress' Performance, Why? »

Since 2011, Americans' approval of Congress has remained almost exclusively below 20%. 59% of Americans blame partisanship for congressional ineffectiveness.…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 237
Score: 2

Congressional Ratings Continue To Suffer »

Ratings among both Congressional Democrats and Republicans continue as markedly less than stellar. Republican approval has dipped to match a…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 102
Score: 2

Satisfaction with Country's Direction Recovering »

After dwindling support of the wars in the Middle East and a free falling market, the satisfaction with the country's…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 124
Score: 1

Congress Draws Flak over Gridlock »

59% of respondents cited the ineffectiveness of Congress stuck in a partisan gridlock as a reason they were critical of…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 134
Score: 1

Party Politics: Voters Consistently Judge President by Party »

Regardless of if they are Democratic or Republican, presidents consistently score the same approval ratings from those of their own…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 160

1995 Government Shutdown Costliest Ever...Until Now »

The government shutdown of last month cost the US over $1 billion each week, greatly surpassing the previous record of…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 143

The Psychological Price Tag of Government Shutdown »

The mechanics of shutdown suggest that there will be few absolute losses, but psychology suggests otherwise. Consumer confidence dips considerably…

American Action Forum
by: American Action Forum
views: 164

More Americans Blame GOP for Government Shutdown »

In a Quinnipiac University poll taken yesterday, when it comes to choosing which party is to blame for the gridlock…

Jessica Garber
by: Jessica Garber
views: 319

Republicans Respect Recalcitrance, Democrats Desire Dialogue »

While eight-in-ten Americans now prefer elected officials who are willing to compromise with leaders of other ideologies in order to…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 475

Fundamental Problems with Congress: Party Polarization »

In the last three decades, the political polarization of Congress members has skyrocketed, and with it, congressional productivity has precipitously…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 286

Congressional Republicans Shoulder More Gridlock Blame »

Though a strong majority maintain discontent with Congress as a whole, Americans were more than twice as likely to place…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 82

Congress: Napping on the Job »

Congress is showing a steady decline in productivity measured by the number of bills enacted into law. This trend has…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 91

Time in Session for Congress Reaches a Low »

The time in session for the Senate and House combined reached a 21st century low in 2012 of 1655 hours,…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 70