Fundamental Problems with Congress: Party Polarization

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Aug 7, 2013 | Views: 269 | Score: 0
RepublicansDemocratsEntire Chamber
80th (1947-48)13288111100
85th (1957-58)12977721016
90th (1967-77)1255745974
95th (1977-78)1266707893
100th (1987-88)1337683927
105th (1997-98)14286231039
110th (2007-08)15666091036
111th (2009-11)16206461027
112th (2011-12)14785711084
Increasing Polarization of Congressional Members
Political Ideology Scale (1000> Conservative; 1000< Liberal)
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Aug 7, 2013 8:25 PM said:

In the last three decades, the political polarization of Congress members has skyrocketed, and with it, congressional productivity has precipitously declined. From only +328 Conservative, Republicans had become +620 by 111th. Democrats became more liberal as well, -189 to -354 Conservative. This party polarization greatly discourages working towards bipartisan, generally more moderate, solutions. [*1000 is considered completely Moderate*]