“sports” Charts

Annual Salaries in the ESPN World »

Is your dream job working for ESPN? For starters, ESPN interns make an average of $12.04/hr. Some of the bigger…

Noah Maney
by: Noah Maney
views: 646
Score: 10

You Call That A Sport?! »

When it comes to competition, the line between sport and activity can become quite blurry. Of many of the nontraditional…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 304
Score: 4

Is Jeter On the Mt. Rushmore of Yankees, Let Alone #1? »

Living in the greater NYC area, I hear every sportscaster talk about how Derek Jeter is one of the, if…

Steven Krier
by: Steven Krier
views: 216
Score: 2

1/2 Marathon Training for Beginners »

Interested in completing a 1/2 marathon for the first time? halfmarathons.net provides a plan for beginners who, like me, have…

MJ Gewalt
by: MJ Gewalt
views: 254
Score: 2

Grab Your Gear and Make Money: Highest Paid Athletes »

There is no one sport that dominates the world, but there are the 5 highest paid athletes. Starting the list…

Jocelyn Rossell
by: Jocelyn Rossell
views: 163
Score: 2

Sports Injuries in the United States »

In football and baseball, roughly half of all injuries occur to kids in the 5 to 14 year-old age range.

by: kendramayer2017
views: 95
Score: 1

Today in History: 1964 Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony »

On October 10, 1964, the Games of the XVIII Olympiad kicked off in Tokyo, Japan. The chart shows the medal…

Cafe News
by: Cafe News
views: 209
Score: 1

What makes an NFL Jersey sell? »

What makes an NFL player's jersey sell? According to the top 10 NFL Jersey sales of 2014 so far, the…

James Gaither
by: James Gaither
views: 2535
Score: 1

Sports Popularity and the Future Generation »

For today's youth, professional and college sports remain undoubtedly popular. With children between the ages of twelve and seventeen, nearly…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 308
Score: 1

The Sports Americans Love »

Although baseball might be considered America's pastime, it isn't America's favorite sport. That title goes to football, of which the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 208

How Much We Value American Sports »

It's certainly no secret that Americans place a great deal of value on sports. What may be surprising, however, is…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 177

The World's Most Valuable Soccer Teams »

When it comes to the Beautiful Game, certain teams stand above the rest. Real Madrid, Barcelona, and Manchester United are…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 184

High Schools Sending the Most Members to NBA »

This chart is outlining the high schools in the country sending the most members to the NBA based off of…

by: chloe.zung
views: 130

Are Millennials Our Most Athletic Generation? »

Over 4 in 5 Millennials participated in sports during their years in school, compared to a 3 in 5 participation…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 293

The Reasons Why We Love Sports »

Whether it be on the court, in the gridiron, or on the diamond, Americans love their sports. But what is…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 161

Americans Say NFL is Most Associated with Negative Morals »

Over half of all Americans said that out of all professional sports, they most associate football with negative moral values.…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 74

Deleted from Madden »

Only two players have been removed from the madden football game due to legal trouble they have faced. The first…

James Gaither
by: James Gaither
views: 86

Top 10 "Most Disliked Athletes" Per Sport »

Out of the Top 10 Most Disliked Athletes, how many are from each sport? The two sports that many would…

James Gaither
by: James Gaither
views: 113

Who is America's Team...and why? »

The Dallas Cowboys have been known as "America's Team" since 1979. They were given this name because of their 5…

James Gaither
by: James Gaither
views: 337

Number of arrests in Sports 2014 »

There always complaints about how professional athletes are bad role models for our children today due to their multiple arrests.…

James Gaither
by: James Gaither
views: 116

Support Remains Overwhelming for the Redskin's Name »

A Public Policy Polling Survey found that, since 2013, support for the Redskin's name has fallen by eight percent, while…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 200

Superbowl Trumps Presidential Debate »

From 2000 to 2012 the first of the presidential debates has seen dramatically lower numbers in viewership when compared to…

Lauren L.
by: Lauren L.
views: 55

Americans Unlikely to Follow Political News, Prefer Sports »

Overall, Americans are significantly more likely to closely follow sports over politics and international affairs. This is especially the case…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 186

Parent Income Keeping Kids Off the Field »

According to a recent survey, household income is a huge factor in whether or not kids can afford to be…

Eric Sirjord
by: Eric Sirjord
views: 286