“students” Charts

The Shocking Truth About Corporal Punishment »

I thought corporal punishment was a relic of the past — until I found this map showing U.S. states that…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 968
Score: 6

What Are College Students Up To? Certainly Not Slacking Off »

The price of college is higher than ever but not having a degree is even more costly, according to recent…

views: 831
Score: 5

Tuition Cost of Public vs. Private Universities »

In this bar chart, you can see the differences in tuition for private and public Universities. This chart applies for…

Melissa Adeva
by: Melissa Adeva
views: 261
Score: 2

Finding Emotional Support At College »

While studies have shown that a base of emotional support at college is correlated with higher workplace engagement and greater…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 244
Score: 2

Most College Graduates Confident In Their Degrees »

Those with college degrees see the benefit their education has brought them. With rising costs of college and higher loan…

Madinah Noorai
by: Madinah Noorai
views: 183
Score: 2

Breakdown of Federal Student Aid »

Students cannot afford any further Pell Grant reductions; this year's $5,635 maximum Pell Grant covers less than one-third of the…

views: 376
Score: 2

Why Parents Want Their Kids to Go to College »

In 2013, Gallup and Inside Higher Ed conducted a survey of parents about their college admissions decision-making process. When asked…

views: 511
Score: 2

Chinese Anxious for the American Dream.. Education »

Since surpassing Health Sciences in 2005, Biological and Biomedical Sciences has been the main field of specialization of international students…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 206
Score: 2

Voter Turnout Among Eligible Voters and Registered Voters »

With the midterm elections coming up in just two weeks, many colleges are trying to get their students to vote.…

Jocelyn Rossell
by: Jocelyn Rossell
views: 221
Score: 1

Studying Women »

The percentage of women earning degrees in psychology skyrocketed between 1971 and 2002. In 2002, over 3/4 of women were…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 220
Score: 1

Investing in the Future: Students Should Get Bank Rates »

National student debt is climbing and is increasing at an unprecedented rate. Student loans provided by the government range from…

Lauren L.
by: Lauren L.
views: 138
Score: 1

Students with Minimal Need Receive Most Tax-Based Aid »

In 2013, Tax Policy Center estimates that more than half of the benefits of the Tuition and Feeds Deduction and…

views: 182
Score: 1

Guns in High Schools »

Despite what the media would have people believe, the prevalence of guns on high school campuses has decreased. According to…

Galit Duran
by: Galit Duran
views: 124
Score: 1

Women of Color in College Very Likely to Have Children »

47% of black women who attend college have dependent children, yet campus child care centers only address 5% of the…

by: IWPR
views: 234
Score: 1

Only 19% of College Students Educated about the Middle East »

College students report taking, on average, only one course related to the Middle East, which most likely would be a…

Eric Sirjord
by: Eric Sirjord
views: 252
Score: 1

How college students spend their time on a weekday »

College students spend most of their time sleeping on an average weekday, but they also surprisingly pour more time into…

Lydia Bestul
by: Lydia Bestul
views: 178

Top 5 Reasons why students join Extracurricular Activities »

A survey displaying the top five reasons why, students decide whether or not to participate in Extracurricular Activities. Showing that…

JeanCarlo Garcia
by: JeanCarlo Garcia
views: 174

You're Unpaid Internship May Not Be Worth It »

When it comes to finding an internship, you are far better off choosing one that pays. Not only will you…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 201

High School Students Express Low Job Confidence »

Optimism about future job pursuits declines over time, but the decline is steeper for girls than boys. Two-thirds (67%) of…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 290

Leaving the Disabled Behind »

There is a 20% difference between the overall high school graduation rates in the United State and the rate of…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 139

Is #TeenDrinking on the Decline? »

The Center for Disease Control's latest Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) shows that alcohol use is declining for U.S. students…

Kathleen Reynolds
by: Kathleen Reynolds
views: 152

Top 5 Colleges With the Happiest Students »

Vanderbilt University, located in Nashville, Tennessee, recently scored the number one slot in the Princeton Review's ranking of colleges with…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 295

Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day »

In kids, eating breakfast helps improve attention and focus in the classroom. A 2013 study in the journal Frontiers in…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 119

What Tax-Based Student Aid Could Look Like »

Under proposals, tax-based student aid would go to the low- and modest-income families and individuals who most struggle with college…

views: 130

Tax-Based Student Aid Not Targeting Those Who Need It Most »

Low-income students still attend college at lower rates than high-income students. The lowest-income students are only one-seventh as likely as…

views: 133

Tied up? Lonely? Is this quality education? »

In the U.S., an alarming rate of disabled student are being tossed into isolation and various forms of restraint in…

by: Noah
views: 125

Why We Need Student Aid Reform »

Despite research showing that low/ modest-income families are more likely to respond to changes in college costs and student aid,…

views: 155

What Tax-Based Student Aid Could Look Like Under Reforms »

Proposal Two is an attempt to preserve the benefits of Proposal One while addressing its potential shortcomings. Both recommendations improve…

views: 199

What Potential Reform Can Do For Tax-Based Student Aid »

This chart shows the value of tax-based student aid by income category before and after the changes in Proposal One…

views: 133

Reforms Needed for Tax-Based Student Aid »

As federal tax-based student aid has increased, so too has criticism of it. Not enough help goes to the low-income…

views: 156

Top 5 Reasons Freshman Students Selected Their College »

In the 2013 Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) survey at four-year institutions, 53 percent of first-year students said that the…

views: 149

Tax-Based Student Aid Largest form of Non-Loan Federal Aid »

Since the late 90's, tax-based student aid has more than quadrupled and now represents more than half of all non-loan…

views: 165

Teacher Status by Country »

Each country's teacher status index score was compiled based on four factors:

1. Ranking primary school teachers against other professions…

by: T S
views: 365

Teacher response to expected bonuses »

Imagine how motivated a teacher would be to put in extra effort if the likelihood of qualifying for the bonus…

by: AEI
views: 140

North Carolina teacher incentive bonus receipt by school »

North Carolina has operated one of the country's largest pay-for-performance teacher-bonus programs since the late 1990s. This chart shows the…

by: AEI
views: 185

Substantial Proportions of College Students are Parents »

Close to half of college students no longer fit the “traditional” student model. Students with children face financial challenges to…

by: IWPR
views: 103