High School Students Express Low Job Confidence

by SavvyRoo on Feb 3, 2015 | Views: 290 | Score: 0
% who strongly agree, "I know I will find a good job after I graduate" U.S. students overallBoysGirls
Grade 5686770
Grade 6676668
Grade 7636363
Grade 8586058
Grade 9525451
Grade 10495147
Grade 11474946
Grade 12485046
Sources: gallup.com
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SavvyRoo on Feb 3, 2015 9:28 PM said:

Optimism about future job pursuits declines over time, but the decline is steeper for girls than boys. Two-thirds (67%) of boys in grade 5 strongly agree that they will find a good job when they graduate, compared with half of boys in the 12th grade -- a difference of 17 percentage points.

Madinah Noorai
Madinah Noorai on Feb 5, 2015 10:49 AM said:

My high school had a resume-building course and other classes on career- building. I think adding more classes like these will increase job outlooks