“shootings” Charts

Land of the Free, Home of the Paranoid »

Since 1999, the primary reasons gun owners in America posses weapons has changed dramatically. Those saying their weapons are primarily…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 519
Score: 9

What to Do in a Post-Newtown Connecticut? »

In the wake of Newtown, Connecticut voters are strongly in support of metal detectors at the entrances of schools, and…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 232
Score: 5

Gun Rights Weren't Always as Popular as You Might Think »

Contrary to what people may believe nowadays, 2nd Amendment rights were not always seen as sacred in the United States.…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 111
Score: 2

Who Believes Having a Gun in the Home Makes it Safer? »

Perhaps unsurprisingly, of the demographic groups surveyed in this Gallup poll, the two groups furthest apart are the two getting…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 133
Score: 1

The Effect of Wording On the Gun Control Debate »

When asked if they support "stricter gun control laws," only half of Americans said yes. In contrast, when asked if…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 86
Score: 1

Safeties On: A Gun Control Measure Both Sides Can Agree Upon »

An overwhelming majority of Americans support background checks for all gun buyers. In the wake of numerous high profile incidents…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 134
Score: 1

Gun Control Support is Growing, But Not For These Measures »

Substantial gun control reform has moved at a glacial pace or halted altogether in the wake of several high-profile killing…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 146
Score: 1

Can The Shootings Ever Be Stopped? »

With the most recent shooting in Oregon, the deaths at Umpqua Community College have been added to a growing trend…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 110

Should Police Be Required to Wear Body Cameras? »

In light of recent controversies concerning police behavior in the United States, there has been increased debate over whether or…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 113

Terrorism Abroad: How Interested Are We? »

The recent terrorist attack against the employees at Charlie Hebdo in France has certainly captured the attention of the news…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 200

How Has a Decade Changed Our Views on Pot Legalization? »

The share of Americans that believe marijuana should be legal has crossed the majority mark in recent years. Just 10…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 121

Who Are America's Gun Owners? »

White conservative men are most likely to have guns in their homes in the United States. Nonwhite liberal women are…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 81

Are Gun Ownership Arguments Now a Sign of Societal Paranoia? »

Perhaps due to numerous high-profile shootings in the United States, the number of Americans that believe having a gun in…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 104

Stable/Falling Gun Homicide Rates, But We Can Do Better »

The number of gun homicides per 100,000 people in Canada has remained relatively stable since 2000, while in the U.S.…

Kathleen Reynolds
by: Kathleen Reynolds
views: 187

Racial Disparity: Confidence in Ferguson Investigation »

Data from the reaction of whites and blacks to the police investigation shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Are…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 122

More Law Enforcement Officers are Being Feloniously Killed »

Law enforcement officers who are killed while they were working in an official capacity, possess full arrest powers, and who…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 84

Types of Weapons Possessed by Mass Shooters »

Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shootings across the county. New data updated and published in the…

Michael Collier
by: Michael Collier
views: 122