“midterms” Charts

Kentucky's Democratic (?) History »

I have to admit if you had told me Kentucky had ever been more Democrat than Republican I would not…

by: Noah
views: 244
Score: 5

Home Field Advantage: Incumbents Sweep Midterms »

By an overwhelming margin, incumbents find themselves back in office. Very few challengers managed to dethrone their opponents. Despite American's…

Dustin M.
by: Dustin M.
views: 169
Score: 2

North Carolina Senate Race Sets Spending Record »

With $67.7 million from outside donors the North Carolina Senate race between Kay Hagan (D) and Thom Tillis (R) has…

Dylan Walker
by: Dylan Walker
views: 113
Score: 2

Who Are the GOP Frontrunners for 2016? »

In the wake of deeply damaging scandals, Chris Christie has fallen far behind his Republicans rivals in terms of favorable…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 149
Score: 1

Tea Party Identifiers Have Very Different Priorities »

Yes, the Tea Party is still around. To no one's surprise, they maintain a higher level of urgency on matters…

Dustin M.
by: Dustin M.
views: 152
Score: 1

Voter Turnout Among Eligible Voters and Registered Voters »

With the midterm elections coming up in just two weeks, many colleges are trying to get their students to vote.…

Jocelyn Rossell
by: Jocelyn Rossell
views: 221
Score: 1

Not Everyone Sees Republicans as the Religious Vote »

The extent to which people practice their religion or not is often seen as a predictor of which way they…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 198
Score: 1

How Does Your Financial Security Relate to Your Politics? »

As may be expected, the most financially secure Americans are also the most politically active, with 94% of this group…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 127

GOP Rides Older Electorate to Midterm Victory »

Republicans are celebrating their victory this week on the backs of the older demographics, who showed up for the midterm…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 147

GOP Voters Split on the Fed's Role in Keeping Pot Illegal »

While less than a third of Americans that identify as Republican think recreational marijuana use should be legalized, nearly 40%…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 110

Should Congress Strike Down DC Marijuana Legalization? »

In this upcoming midterm election season, voters in Washington, DC will have the opportunity to voice their opinions regarding the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 94

New Hampshire Can't Decide What Party To Align With »

New Hampshire seems to be of two minds when it comes to party affiliation. The number of people identifying with…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 157

For Dems, Raising Min. Wage is Good Policy, Better Politics »

74% of registered voters believe raising the minimum wage in the next year should be an important priority for Congress,…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 164