Home Field Advantage: Incumbents Sweep Midterms

by Dustin M. on Nov 5, 2014 | Views: 169 | Score: 2
Too Close to CallNo Incumbent RunningChallenger WinIncumbent Win
Elections for...
Sources: cnn.com
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Dustin M.
Dustin M. on Nov 5, 2014 7:15 AM said:

By an overwhelming margin, incumbents find themselves back in office. Very few challengers managed to dethrone their opponents. Despite American's distaste for the current political climate, most of the same people will be making their way back to Washington or their state capitols. Data is based on projections as of 12:15 P.M. Eastern on November 5.

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
Alejandro Esquino Gomez on Nov 6, 2014 11:40 AM said:

By "too close to call" are you referring to Louisiana, Alaska, and Virginia? If not what are you referring to.

Dustin M.
Dustin M. on Nov 6, 2014 11:55 AM said:

For the Senatorial elections, that is correct. For Gubernatorial races, it was Vermont, Alaska, and one other that has now been resolved (I believe it was Colorado).

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
Alejandro Esquino Gomez on Nov 6, 2014 10:14 PM said:

What's the issue in Alaska. The numbers I am looking at have the GOP candidate ahead by 3.7 points... Are we looking at a recount?

Dustin M.
Dustin M. on Nov 7, 2014 2:58 AM said:

At the time, only 80% or so of districts had reported in with the Republican incumbent ahead by only 3k votes or so. However, looking now at both politico and NPR, Walker, the independent challenger, managed an upset with 48% to 46.6%