“income” Charts

Student Debt Could Hold You Back in the Future »

Student debt burdens are weighing on economic fortunes of younger Americans. Households headed by young adults owing student debt lag…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 731
Score: 9

The Rich Get Smarter: Higher SAT Scores for Richer Families »

Information collected from College Board, shows SAT test takers from higher earning families are more likely to achieve better SAT…

by: A.S.
views: 495
Score: 8

College Costs Increased Nearly 4X Faster Than Family Income »

Financial aid has not filled the growing gap between the cost of a college education and median family income, causing…

views: 543
Score: 7

Liberty and Job "Recovery" For All? »

This “recovery” and the two which preceded it have been “jobless recoveries.” While the government measure of the unemployment rate…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 698
Score: 6

Unequal Rich Countries Exhibit Lower Social Mobility »

At least among these few countries, the more equal countries have higher social mobility (see graph). It looks as if…

Equality Trust
by: Equality Trust
views: 379
Score: 6

What Are College Students Up To? Certainly Not Slacking Off »

The price of college is higher than ever but not having a degree is even more costly, according to recent…

views: 823
Score: 5

The Economics of Child Labor »

Unfortunately, child labor is still a prominent factor in the economies of many nations, especially those that face great poverty.…

Cato Institute
by: Cato Institute
views: 409
Score: 5

Britain's Inequality Starting to Match The US »

Britain has seen growing inequality that is beginning to assume U.S. proportions. In terms of wealth, the 100 richest people…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 408
Score: 4

How Far Should Minimum Wage Take a Worker? »

The federal poverty threshold doesn't tell the whole truth about poverty and income in the United States. Research suggests that…

by: Noah
views: 306
Score: 4

What's the real link between income and well-being? »

The idea that there is some critical level of income (once 'basic needs' have been met), beyond which income no…

Amparo C.
by: Amparo C.
views: 404
Score: 3

More Money, More College... More College, More Money »

It's a vicious cycle, alright. That's why in Tennessee, a new bill provides two years of free tuition at a…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 675
Score: 3

Is the American Dream Dead? »

A study into American income inequality reveals just how dire the situation has become. The American Dream seems closer to…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 238
Score: 3

What Supposedly Controversial Policy Do Americans Now Favor? »

Despite the controversy it engenders in the United States, wealth redistribution via heavy taxes on the rich is actually supported…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 327
Score: 2

You need to make more to make it to the top as you get older »

It has been widely publicized that you need to earn $250k to get into the 1%. If you want to…

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 155
Score: 2

Indian Americans Succeeding in Science and Tech »

Nearly thirty percent of Indian Americans were employed in science and engineering in 2010, giving them a median income of…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 258
Score: 2

Top Ten Richest Members in Congress »

Out of the top ten, eight members are Democrats. In addition, only two of the top ten richest are women.

by: kendramayer2017
views: 1120
Score: 2

Minimum Wage: How Do We Stack Up? »

How does our minimum wage compare to the rest of the world? Recently, intense global debate concerning wages has sprung…

Jacob Jedamus-Denu
by: Jacob Jedamus-Denu
views: 229
Score: 2

SNAP: The Program Feeding Our Reliance On Government »

SNAP, The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, is a welfare program that provides food to the needy. Unfortunately, the program also…

Cato Institute
by: Cato Institute
views: 176
Score: 2

Women Work Just as Hard But Make Less »

The majority of women in the US still make only 77 cents for every dollar a man earns for equal…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 407
Score: 2

Unattainable American Dream: House Prices Soar Wages Do Not »

American homeownership has been considered a prerequisite of living the American Dream. Yet over the past thirty years a concerning…

Lauren L.
by: Lauren L.
views: 209
Score: 2

Will J.P. Morgan Recover From Last Years Hit? »

J.P. Morgan earnings on lower mortgage income dropped 19% in the last year. To learn about this major decline read…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 212
Score: 2

Tax Breaks: Capital Gains »

Annually, the cost of US tax breaks on capital gains costs over 100 billion dollars. Most of this cost is…

Nat'l Priorities Project
by: Nat'l Priorities Project
views: 145
Score: 2

The 5 Best States to be a Member of the Top 1% »

"A new report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) provides further evidence that the serious problem of growing income inequality…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 245
Score: 2

Can you afford NOT to go to college? »

Median annual earnings for college graduates continue to rise as prospects for those without a degree are in decline.

by: Rachel
views: 230
Score: 2

Parenting Quality Distribution by Income Quintile »

The quality of U.S. parenting, as measured on the HOME scale, strongly varies by income. In other words, the skills…

by: Anonymous
views: 122
Score: 2

Fast Food Workers: Not Just Kids, Need Living Wage »

One argument frequently made against higher wages for fast-food workers is that the industry is dominated by teenagers and workers…

by: CEPR
views: 227
Score: 2

Fast Food Wages: Poverty Regardless of Age/Education »

The majority (53 percent) of workers in fast-food are adults (21 and older) with a high school degree or more,…

by: CEPR
views: 159
Score: 2

A Degree Is Still Worth It »

Not only do college grads have significantly higher earnings, they also have a much lower unemployment rate. Note the large…

Dustin M.
by: Dustin M.
views: 218
Score: 1

Income Affects Americans' Preoccupation With Hacking (2014) »

In both the cases of credit card hacking and computer and smartphone hacking, income greatly impacts Americans' fears.

by: SavvyRoo
views: 149
Score: 1

American Families Are Falling Behind Financially »

The cost of living is going up, and for the majority of Americans, their financial struggles are only getting worse.…

by: Noah
views: 218
Score: 1

Jobs Prevent College Students From... »

For low-income students and many moderate-income students the price of college can mean that paying for higher education may require…

views: 571
Score: 1

The Trouble With Social Security »

Social Security is failing, and it is in serious need of reform. Since around 2010, the cost of the program…

Cato Institute
by: Cato Institute
views: 114
Score: 1

Tax-Based Student Aid Is Not Going Where It's Needed »

Tax-based aid provides support to individuals already likely to attend college. 20% of AOTC and LLC went to households earning…

views: 228
Score: 1

Inequality of Poverty »

15% of Americans—nearly 1 in 6—are seemingly consigned to live in poverty. After the bailouts used to stimulate economic recovery,…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 453
Score: 1

Mental Illness Treatment Severely Under-Serviced »

A key factor to the burden of mental disorders is the lack of appropriate treatment. Global estimates mask variations between…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 336
Score: 1

The Increasing Struggle Of American Youth »

Over the last 30 years, America has changed a lot, as has the distribution of income within the nation. While…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 99