Can you afford NOT to go to college?

by Rachel on Feb 12, 2014 | Views: 231 | Score: 2
Bachelor's degree +2 yr degree/some collegeHigh school graduate
Silents (1965)388333365531384
Early Boomers (1979)419893649832299
Late Boomers (1986)447703459530525
Gen Xers (1995)436633217327883
Millennials (2013)455003000028000
Median Annual Earnings
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Rachel on Feb 12, 2014 6:50 AM said:

Median annual earnings for college graduates continue to rise as prospects for those without a degree are in decline.

Jacob Jedamus-Denu
Jacob Jedamus-Denu on Feb 12, 2014 8:03 AM said:

Hi Rachel, great post. I'm surprised how similar a 2-year degree and a high school diploma are. This chart makes a strong case for obtaining a 4-year degree, even if you wind up with considerable college debt.

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