The Rich Get Smarter: Higher SAT Scores for Richer Families

by A.S. on Jun 10, 2014 | Views: 502 | Score: 8
Total Mean SAT Score
0 - 201310
20 - 401372
40 - 601460
60 - 801517
80 - 1001569
100 - 1201596
124 - 1401603
140 - 1601631
160 - 2001639
Test - Taker Family Income (In Thousands of Dollars)
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A.S. on Jun 10, 2014 3:23 PM said:

Information collected from College Board, shows SAT test takers from higher earning families are more likely to achieve better SAT scores than test takers from lower income families. College Board claims "students from all backgrounds have an equal chance" on the exam, however, a 405 point difference between students in the lowest and highest earning families suggest otherwise.

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