Can We Trust The World's Politicians?

by Christian Stellakis on Apr 21, 2016 | Views: 118 | Score: 0
Great BritainCanadaGreeceUnited StatesNetherlands
Percent of promises kept by politicians in each country82.5737066.761
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Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Apr 21, 2016 8:23 AM said:

Politicians say a great number of things on the campaign trail in order to get elected; they cajole, they talk tough, and they often make tremendous promises. But can we trust the claims they make to be upheld? A recent study examined political promises made over five different countries: Great Britain, Canada, Greece, the US, and the Netherlands. The politician of Great Britain were found to be the most trustworthy, while American politicians kept about two thirds of the promises they made.