Citizens Unite! (Read: 'Corporations') They're People Too...
by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 27, 2013 | Views: 415 | Score: 4
Warren Court (1953-69) | Burger Court (1969-86) | Rehnquist Court (1986-05) | Roberts Court (2005-) | |
Supreme Court Eras | 29 | 47 | 51 | 61 |
Pro-Business Rulings of Supreme Court since 1947
Percentage of cases in which Court ruled in favor of Business Litigant
Chief Justice Roberts' Court has been more supportive of corporate interests than any modern court. Especially impactful have been cases eviscerating political donation limits, including the infamous Citizens United v FEC, in which the Court ruled that spending- even by nonpersons- constituted "free speech" under the First Amendment. All five Republican-appointed justices have voted in favor of business litigants in over 50% of cases. Four are among the six most pro-business justices to sit on the Court. Evidently, Roberts is just doing what's best for the people... cause "they're people too."