In Service To Their Country, Or Themselves?

by Christian Stellakis on Sep 12, 2015 | Views: 606 | Score: 2
Want what is best for the countryDon't know / No opinionWant what is best for themselves
Military officials701812
Police officers552124
Federal civil servants323137
Local Politicians221959
% of Americans that believe these groups of people...
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Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Sep 12, 2015 7:35 AM said:

In America today, it can be difficult to differentiate the people who truly want what is best for the country from those who are only looking out for themselves. Despite that challenge, a recent YouGov poll revealed America's perceived intentions of our leaders. While military and police officials are generally trusted to act in America's best interest, both local and national politicians are perceived as being primarily self-serving.