He's A Socialist! But Is That A Good Or Bad Thing?

by SavvyRoo on May 31, 2015 | Views: 526 | Score: 2
% of Americans that consider calling someone a "socialist" to be...
A compliment8
Neutral / No opinion57
An insult35
Sources: cdn.yougov.com
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SavvyRoo on May 31, 2015 8:57 AM said:

In the United States, calling someone a socialists can certainly elicit an evocative response, but is it inherently bad to hold such beliefs? According to a recent poll, Americans are largely divided on over the issue of semantics, though they do agree that calling someone a socialist is not a good thing. While about a third of the public believe that calling someone a socialist is an insult, a slightly larger portion claim that the term is neutral in nature. Less than a tenth of the public think that the term implies a compliment.

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