“transportation” Charts

More People Are Biking—But Cars Still Rule the Daily Commute »

May 16th is National Bike to Work Day — and boy do we need it! Although the number of people…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 255
Score: 4

Cost of U.S. air travel is 17% cheaper than 20 years ago »

The cost of air travel in the U.S. remained surprisingly stable during the last decade, with prices staying below $400…

by: AEI
views: 193
Score: 3

The Bike to Work Movement: It's Growing! »

According to data from the Census Bureau, biking to work has increased 60 percent over the past decade. Learn how…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 277
Score: 2

76% of Us Could Save Money Getting to Work »

In 2013, seventy-six percent of American workers drove alone while just nine percent carpooled. But according to PuckerMob carpoolers "save…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 232
Score: 1

Transit is Becoming Increasingly Irrelevant »

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) wants people to believe that transit is an increasingly important form of transportation, citing…

Cato Institute
by: Cato Institute
views: 419
Score: 1

Strife in the Fast Lane »

The US road network suffers from chronic underinvestment and deferred maintenance at a huge cost to American motorists.

by: AEI
views: 231
Score: 1

Changes in Consumer Expenditures »

Since overall expenditures began to increase again in 2011, cash contributions, health care, and transportation have had the largest percentage…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 170
Score: 1

The Stagnant and Costly Amtrak System »

From 1991 to 2012, air travel miles increased by 68 percent, compared to only an 8 percent growth in Amtrak…

Cato Institute
by: Cato Institute
views: 903
Score: 1

How Air Pollution Is Killing Us Softly »

It kills over 200,000 people per year, but it seems rarely discussed. Policy measures could specifically target the most deadly…

by: Noah
views: 193
Score: 1

This Transportation System Is All The Rage These Days »

Over the last few years, the bike-sharing system has exploded in cities throughout the world. The system enables citizens to…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 124

U.S. Diesel Car, Truck, and Van Sales »

While diesel truck and van sales are at a plateau, diesel car and SUV are becoming more popular in the…

by: kendramayer2017
views: 87

Urbanized Areas with the Most Transit Travel »

While Los Angeles has about two-thirds of the population of the New York-Newark urbanized area, it has less than a…

by: kendramayer2017
views: 104

When I Was Your Age, I Walked 10 Miles to School in the Snow »

Parents may exaggerate when it comes to the hills, and the snow, and the distance, but they really were more…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 141

Paris: The City of... Mini Bicycles »

A survey conducted by Paris City Hall in 2012 found an overwhelming majority of Parisian families were interested in a…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 276

Wheels v. Wings: Which Feels Safer? »

Americans feel safer in a car than a plane, even though most know they are more likely to die in…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 167

What Are Americans Paying For At The Pump? »

With the national average price for regular gasoline at $3.55, many Americans bemoan the high prices at the pump. There…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 110

Air Traffic Between Airports of Germany and Their Partners »

Dashboard presents detailed data on air transport by reporting country (namely, Germany) and routes which includes: passengers on board (arrivals,…

by: Knoema
views: 67

Let's Share a Ride! »

Forty-five percent of the country has no access to transit... but eighty percent of our passenger capacity in cars is…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 186

Transportation »

As stated in the ITF Transport Outlook 2013, published by International Transport Forum, at the current stage of global economic…

by: Knoema
views: 32

Food's Carbon Footprint: What is the Prius of Eating? »

This chart shows the sources of global greenhouse gas emissions. Did you know that agriculture accounts for more greenhouse gas…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 359

Americans Paying More for Transportation »

Average total expenditures per consumer in 2012 were $51,442, an increase of 3.5 percent from 2011 levels. Most of the…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 187

Most Popular Aircrafts of Europe »

On an average Airbus continues to dominate the commercial air carrier segment of Europe, as per the 2012 statistics. In…

by: Knoema
views: 57

How Old is European Aircraft Fleet? »

European aircraft fleet can be positively characterized as constantly upgrading: aircraft aged less than 5 years constitutes the biggest part…

by: Knoema
views: 81

Who is Driving the Car Market? »

The majority of new car purchases are coming from drivers ages 45-64. No longer paying a child's college tuition, a…

Eric Sirjord
by: Eric Sirjord
views: 168

Decreasing Reliance on Public School Transportation »

The percentage of students transported at public expense has been slowly decreasing since peaking at 61.3% in 1984-85. In 2007-08,…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 160

Fuel Efficiency Over the Years »

Average fuel economy of U.S. light-duty vehicles has increased over 80%, from 13.1 mpg in 1975 to 23.8 mpg in…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 521

Cars vs.Trucks: Which is the true American vehicle? »

Trucks as a percentage of total U.S. light-duty vehicles increased from 16.4% in 1980 to 44.9% in 2004, the highest…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 219

Carpooling to Work Less Popular; More People Driving Alone »

The number of people carpooling to work has decreased from 19.1 million people in 1980 to just 14.4 million in…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 243

The Real Price of Your Ticket: Plane Accidents by US Airline »

American airlines have some of the best safety records of any airlines in the world, most ranking in the top…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 151

To Consider When Buying Airline Ticket: Price, Points & Life »

2012 airline safety rankings reveal a large disparity in the safeness of various airline companies. In America, the top airline,…

Anthony Sibley (AJ)
by: Anthony Sibley (AJ)
views: 159