“animals” Charts

Sharks vs. Humans »

Between Shark Week and the media attention given to sharks with the increase in attacks off the coasts of the…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 952
Score: 3

Cats and Dogs in America »

Since the 1970s, companion animal ownership in America has more than doubled. In addition, the amount of cats and dogs…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 202
Score: 2

The DNA We Share »

Though the arrangement and functions of some genes may be different, humans share genes with a variety of the animals…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 189
Score: 2

Top 10 Longest Living Animals »

The Ocean Quahog, a type of clam, is far ahead of the other animals in terms of life span. It…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 177
Score: 2

The Fastest Land Animals »

The cheetah has a significant advantage over it's prey. The speeds of some of that prey, the springbok and the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 150
Score: 2

What's The Deadliest Animal? Hint: It's Not Humans »

Mosquitoes are deadliest, killing with malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and encephalitis. Mosquitoes are particularly a threat to South America,…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 288
Score: 2

Measuring Speed in the Animal Kingdom »

Paratarsotomus macropalpis, a Californian mite, is smaller than half a centimeter. In a race it would lose to a cheetah.…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 185
Score: 1

Wildlife Strikes to Civil Aircraft by Animal Group »

In 2011, there were a total of 10,083 wildlife strikes by civil aircraft in the United States. 96.5% of animals…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 154
Score: 1

The Animals You Should Never Hunt »

The death of Cecil the lion at the hands of Dr. Walter Palmer has sparked considerable outrage among the American…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 141

Organisms with Short Lives »

Remember there are roughly 52 weeks in a year. Further, a common denominator among these animals is their size. They…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 83

Animal cruelty is in decline »

The number of movies in which animals were harmed has decreased dramatically!

by: HumanProgress.org
views: 123

Beyond the Big Top »

The circus is a place of family fun, food, and shows. Although it is a great time for bonding, people…

September Oliveros
by: September Oliveros
views: 92

Where's the Beef: Eating Meat Without Killing Animals »

Supplying enough meat to sustain 7 billion humans is a struggle, and it's only going to get worse, as global…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 152

Giraffe Hero Cares for Endangered Elephants »

Sangduen Chailert (Lek) has spent her life caring for endangered elephants. As co-founder and director of northern Thailand’s Elephant Nature…

Giraffe Heroes Project
by: Giraffe Heroes Project
views: 183

Most Threatened Animal Species 2013 »

Fish are the most threatened group of animals, with 2,110 fish species recognized as critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable. Over…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 197