Republicans More Likely Than Dems to Believe Conspiracies

by Michael Collier on Oct 10, 2013 | Views: 193 | Score: 0
Obama is Trying to Stay in Office After 20171144
Obama is Trying to Take Away Guns1462
Gov't Does 'False Flag' Operations921
Muslims Are Implementing Sharia Law in U.S.1242
Percent Who Believe To Be True
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Michael Collier
Michael Collier on Oct 10, 2013 3:48 PM said:

New polling shows that Republicans are more likely than Democrats to find truth behind various government-related conspiracy theories. Most theories in which Republicans seem to feel the strongest about include President Obama and his potential usurpation of constitutional authority, including an attempt to stay in office after 2017, and an all-out seizure of personal firearms.