What Does It Mean To Unplug From Techology?

by SavvyRoo on Feb 26, 2016 | Views: 664 | Score: 1
Social MediaThe InternetEmailText MessagesMobile or Tablet ApplicationsConsole Video GamesComputer GamesPhone CallsTelevisionElectronic BooksAudio Books
% of Americans that say being "unplugged" from technology means avoiding...7164585555515048453021
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SavvyRoo on Feb 26, 2016 12:42 PM said:

Undoubtedly, technology pervades nearly every aspect of our lives; our work, relationships, and and personal lives are dominated by tech. So when people decide to "unplug," what forms of technology are they abstaining from? According to a recent study by Harris Interactive, the majority of Americans consider the term "unplugging" to refer to abstention from a variety of technology, including social media, the internet, email and texting.