How do Millennials Spend Their Time Online?

by Kamil Skwarek on Mar 17, 2015 | Views: 231 | Score: 0
% of millennials that regularly...
Check/Send Email72
Keep up with friends71
Stream music, TV, movies68
Research interesting topics/pursue hobbies65
Check current events64
Check weather, traffic, public transport57
Shop/research products56
Look up events, movies, restaurants56
Play games45
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Kamil Skwarek
Kamil Skwarek on Mar 17, 2015 11:18 AM said:

Marketers and media companies can target millennials once they examine how they spend their time online. The Media Insight Project surveyed 1,046 adults between the ages of 18-34. More than anything else millennials regularly check/send emails followed by keeping up with their friends (social media).

Noah on Mar 18, 2015 6:18 AM said:

That's interesting. Lots of people claim that email is a dying form. That millennials and younger only want to communicate by text or social media. This suggests email might have more staying power.

Peter Graham
Peter Graham on Mar 22, 2015 1:04 PM said:

I wonder how much these numbers would change if we restricted the age range from 18-21, or 18 - 25. A large majority of this age range is working adults who did not come of age in the heyday of the social media revolution and who certainly have to check emails more often than anything else on this list.