Sexual Harassment in High School with Most Negative Effects

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 23, 2013 | Views: 199 | Score: 0
Female StudentsMale Students
Sexual Comments, Jokes, or Gestures3616
Spread of Sexual Rumors1711
Harassment Had No Effect1017
Called Lesbian or Gay in Negative Way921
Posting Sexual Comments811
Touched in Unwelcome Way74
Felt Type of Sexual Harassment Had Most Negative Effect Personally
Sexual Harassment in High School with the Most Negative Effects on Victim
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 23, 2013 4:54 PM said:

The most common reason students give for sexually harassing other students is "it's no big deal" (44%) and "it was funny" (39%), particularly with verbal-harassment. However, girls are substantially more likely to feel these sexual comments/jokes and sexual rumors about them to have the most negative effect. Notably, being called "gay" has the most negative effect for many boys.