Sexual Harassment: Speak No Evil

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 23, 2013 | Views: 139 | Score: 2
Male StudentsFemale Students
Didn't Do Anthing5944
Talked to Family Member2032
Talked to One or More Friends1529
Reported Incident to School Authority512
Contacted Police21
Actions Taken by Sexually Harassed
Percent of Student Victims Taking Action After Being Sexually Harassed
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 23, 2013 1:28 PM said:

For secondary-school students, the action most taken by victims of sexually harassment is no action. This is especially the case for boys, with close to two-in-three never reporting harassment incidents; much of the harassment experienced by boys is teasing about or accusations of homosexuality. This low-reporting trend, evinced in all actions, suggests boys feel their claims would be less accepted.

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