Driving While Black (and Brown): Highway Searches by Race

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 14, 2013 | Views: 210 | Score: 2
Likelihood of Getting Searched
Middle Eastern1.25
Non-White Average1.5
Native American3.25
Chance of being searched compared to whites
Sources: acluaz.org
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 14, 2013 9:06 PM said:

Ostensibly, it would seem race has little effect on the likelihood of a person being stopped by the police while driving in Arizona. Whites make up 39% of total drivers searched on the highway; African-Americans, 10%; Hispanics, 47%. However, compared with whites, blacks and Hispanics are 2. 5x as likely to be searched after being stopped. For nonwhites in general, there is a 1.5x greater likelihood that they will be searched. Interestingly however, even while they are drastically less likely to be searched, white drivers are far more likely to be found with contraband.

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