“robbery” Charts

Murder Victims by Relationship »

In 2011, family murders accounted for 13.8% of the 12,664 total murders in the U.S., though this percentage may actually…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 463
Score: 5

Arrests by Crime Type »

In 2011, there were a total of 12,408,899 arrests made in the United States (not including the 1,424 arrests made…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 423
Score: 4

Government Bank Theft Recovery Remains Stagnant »

While money stolen from federally insured banks has declined recently, the amount of this money recovered by law enforcement has…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 157
Score: 2

Bank Thieves are Stealing Less Money »

In 2011, 38.3 million dollars was stolen from US federally insured banks in the from of cash, checks, securities, and…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 145

Federal Bank Theft On Decline »

The number of thefts on federally insured banks is on a steady decline. The majority of these thefts consist of…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 148

Race of Perpetrators of 2011 Federal Bank Robberies »

According to the FBI, in 2011 (the most recent year data is available) 87% of all bank robberies, burglaries, and…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 157

The Money Lost to Identity Thieves »

Of the American households that experienced identity theft in 2010, 41.8% lost between $1 and $499. 16% of victims lost…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 191

How do identity thieves steal your money? »

The most common type of identity theft is stealing information from an existing credit card, accounting for 54% of identity…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 272

Police Officers Killed by Day of the Week »

Law enforcement officers are least likely to be feloniously killed on Sundays and most likely to be killed on Thursdays.…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 297

Police Officers are in the Most Danger During P.M. Hours »

Of the 543 U.S. law enforcement officers feloniously killed from 2002-2011, 41.1% were killed from 4:01 p.m. to Midnight. Officers…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 179

Violent Crime Rate by County Size »

In 2011, U.S. metropolitan areas with populations less than 25,000 had the highest violent crime rates, with an average of…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 273

Murder Victims and Offenders by Age »

In 2011, more Americans ages 20-24 were murdered (2,329) than any other age group, comprising 18.4% of all U.S. murder…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 259

Murder Victims by Race and Sex »

In 2011, 42.8% of the murder victims in the U.S. were black males (5.416 victims), making black males the most…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 246

Drug Abuse Violation Arrests »

Possession of marijuana accounted for the largest percentage of arrests for drug abuse violations (43%). Sale/manufacturing of drugs only constituted…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 262