“games” Charts

Chess pieces have various chances of survival during play »

Brian Salomon used the Million Base 2.2 database of chess games to determine the statistical likelihood of each piece surviving…

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 335
Score: 7

This Is How "Freemium" Games Make Their Money »

"Freemium" is a pricing strategy by which the product is offered free of charge, but money is charged for certain…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 180
Score: 1

The Purchasing Habits Of Gamers »

Gamers are certainly a unique breed. In a survey of 2,700 gamers, a FamousAspect survey discovered some interesting facts regarding…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 92

Player expertise determines tic-tac-toe winner »

If two expert players face off in Tic-tac-toe, the game is always tied. However, if either player is less than…

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 129

Best Selling Video Games All Time »

The 10 most distributed video games of all time have staggering numbers. Tetris, the building block phenomena, has a wide…

by: wahid.lodin
views: 157

Ahoy! Which States Pirate the Most Media? »

Torrenting content can be illegal, but that hasn't stopped millions of Americans, especially East and West coasters, from downloading copyrighted…

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 120

Sudoku puzzles with symmetry, easier or harder? »

The Sudoku puzzle generator qqwing was used to generate 20,000 Sudoku puzzles, half of those with symmetry. It reports that…

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 204