“child-care” Charts

Sequester Cuts Hurt Head Start »

After the 2012 sequester cuts, Head Start lost much of its funding. Because of the cuts, many children lost access…

views: 225
Score: 2

Fathers Are Utilizing Flexible Work Arrangements »

In a survey of nearly 1,000 fathers, more than three quarters reported using flex-time on either a formal or informal…

views: 276
Score: 2

Parents Find This More Meaningful Than Paid Work »

Being a parent is tough, but recent data says that child-care is the most meaningful activity for parents.

September Oliveros
by: September Oliveros
views: 110
Score: 1

Eligible Children Actually Served by Federal Programs »

Current investments in CCDBG, Head Start, and Early Head Start leave many eligible children without access to these programs. Information…

views: 353
Score: 1

Women of Color in College Very Likely to Have Children »

47% of black women who attend college have dependent children, yet campus child care centers only address 5% of the…

by: IWPR
views: 232
Score: 1

Where do infants and toddlers spend their time? »

Experiences during infant and toddler years shape the architecture of the brain and lay the foundation for future growth and…

views: 186
Score: 1

Fewer Children Served By Child Care Assistance »

CCDBG provides child care assistance to low-income families. From 2007-2011, total spending on child care assistance (including federal and state…

views: 116

Child Care Ratios and Group Size Not Being Met »

States regulate adult-child ratios and group size in child care through licensing requirements. Smaller group sizes and fewer children per…

views: 181

Generous Welfare is Not Unambiguously Pro-Natalist »

The pro-natalist concept that access to healthcare and a program of welfare generosity for lower-income women reduces their likelihood to…

Jillian Schweizer
by: Jillian Schweizer
views: 129

At-home Dads Take Childcare and Housework Responsibilities »

The Boston College Center for Work & Family asked fathers how childcare and housework tasks were divided before and after…

views: 253

How Fathers See Their Responsibilities To Their Children »

A significant majority of the fathers see their responsibilities to their children as both caring for them and earning money…

views: 214

Less Than 1/2 of States Have Infant/Toddler Care Credential »

When funding to programs like the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) gets cut, child care quality declines and…

views: 161

Federal Program CCDBG Reaching 18% of Needy Children »

The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) includes dedicated funding to improve the quality of care for infants and…

views: 273

Importance of Legal Marriage On Decline »

There has been an 11% decline in the perceived importance of a legal marriage when a man and woman plan…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 127

Ten Percent of US Children Live with Grandparent »

Since the recession of 2008, there has been a significant increase of children living with and being cared for by…

Matthew Lawlor
by: Matthew Lawlor
views: 112

Substantial Proportions of College Students are Parents »

Close to half of college students no longer fit the “traditional” student model. Students with children face financial challenges to…

by: IWPR
views: 100

Percent of Americans Living Large, 1977-2010 »

Can we have equal opportunity in an unequal society? Parents in America’s most affluent 20 percent have the resources to…

Child Abuse Fatalities by Age »

In a unique count of child fatalities by the ACF, there were 1,258 child fatalities from abuse and neglect in…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 926

Child Abuse Fatalities Decreasing »

The number of fatalities caused by child abuse and neglect decreased for two consecutive years in 2010 and 2011. In…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 125

Child Care Arrangements »

In 2011, 32.7 million American children, including 61% of preschoolers (ages 0-4) and 50% of grade schoolers (ages 5-14), were…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 64