“cellphones” Charts

The Most Distracting Thing You Can Do While Driving »

For driving under the influence, alcohol and drugs are often considered the worst distractions. A new study has found a…

by: Noah
views: 837
Score: 5

Are Cell Phone Owners Too Attached to Their Phones? »

Cell owners are extremely attached to their phones — although most don’t see that as a problem. For many cell…

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 155
Score: 1

The Rise of the Smartphone »

A study by the Pew Research Center found that smartphones are not only the most popular type of cell phone…

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 131
Score: 1

How Are Cell Phones/Internet Affecting Married Couples? »

"Those who were already together as a couple at the advent of a new platform or technology were a bit…

Melissa McNeill
by: Melissa McNeill
views: 182
Score: 1

Office-Based Workers Feeling Impact of Digital Tools »

Adults employed in traditionally Office-Based occupations feel all of these impacts more than those who work in occupations that are…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 192

Digital Tools More important For Office Workers »

Email and the Internet far more important to office-workers. Those in office-based occupations are three times as likely as those…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 166

Working Americans Rely on Email and Internet »

A survey covering online working adults found that Email and the Internet top the list of important tools for work.…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 211

Technologies People Will Not Give Up »

According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, more adults claim that the Internet would be impossible to…

Liam Duffy
by: Liam Duffy
views: 130

#NudePhoto Scandals: Who is Responsible for Our Privacy? »

Virtually all Americans believe that it is at least partly up to cell phone owners to make sure that potentially…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 261

90% of American Adults Own This Technology »

As of January 2014, 90% of American adults own cell phones. More men (93%) than women (88%) own cell phones.…

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 128

Teens Luv Tech 4 Talking »

For the millennial teenager, social interaction is dominated by technology. A recent study found that teens are nearly twice as…

Kathleen Reynolds
by: Kathleen Reynolds
views: 212

iPhone v Android Ownership, by income »

According to the data, it may be inferred that the iPhone is largely a luxury of the upper middle class…

Max T.
by: Max T.
views: 198

iPhone v Android Ownership, by income »

According to the data, it may be inferred that the iPhone is largely a luxury of the upper middle class…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 164

iPhone v Android Ownership, by education »

Perhaps due to its cost which may be prohibitive to many, the iPhone only leads Android devices in those with…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 162

iPhone v Android Ownership, by age »

Along with an edge in overall market share over the iPhone, Android phones also lead the Apple device in every…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 310

Cellphone Type Ownership Breakdown »

In 2013, Android phones had a slight edge over the iPhone in terms of market share. Despite their combined popularity,…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 145