Conservative Republicans Stand Alone on Climate Change

by Peter Graham on Apr 27, 2015 | Views: 612 | Score: 6
Percent agreeing that climate change is the result of pollution from human activity
Liberal Democrats81
Conservative/Moderate Democrats67
Non-leaning Independents54
Moderate/Liberal Republicans49
Conservative Republicans27
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Peter Graham
Peter Graham on Apr 27, 2015 2:41 PM said:

Conservative Republicans are alone on the political spectrum on the issue of man-made climate change. Even Moderate and Liberal Republicans agree at rates of almost 50% that climate change is the result of human pollution. It is a testament to the level of partisanship in American politics today that there is a political debate where the scientific one on the same issue is effectively over.

William Achnitz III
William Achnitz III on Apr 27, 2015 7:37 PM said:

Unfortunately, the conservative media has done a great job at keeping this debate alive. Even more unfortunately, the opinions of people are swayed by other opinions rather than actual statistics. A cold day in April is not reason enough to 100% outright deny the existence of anthropogenic global warming.

Noah on Apr 28, 2015 6:57 AM said:

This makes the "debate" look even. We need a column for the rest of the world which is basically to the left of all of these.

favorite of Kent F. William Achnitz III