Scientists and US Public Don't Always See Eye to Eye

by SavvyRoo on Jan 31, 2015 | Views: 278 | Score: 3
Percent who agree with each statement among... AAAS scientists...US adults
Humans have evolved over time9865
Favor use of animals in research8947
GMOs safe to eat8837
Climate change due to humans8750
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SavvyRoo on Jan 31, 2015 10:30 AM said:

Pew Research polls have found that members of the American Association for the Advancement of the Sciences and US adults in general often widely differ in their beliefs about hot-topic science and health questions. Nearly all AAAS scientists believe in evolution, compared to 65% of the American population. Another massive disparity between scientists and the population revolves around the issue of climate change. Where the general citizenry is split down the middle, nearly 9 in 10 scientists agree that climate change is a manmade phenomena.

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