Is The Death Penalty Racist?

by SavvyRoo on Apr 17, 2015 | Views: 188 | Score: 0
% of Americans that believe...
Minorities are more likely than whites to be sentenced to death52
Don't know / Depends7
Whites and minorities are equally likely to be sentenced to death41
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SavvyRoo on Apr 17, 2015 9:43 AM said:

Does the legal system's use of the death penalty unfairly target minorities? A recent Pew poll revealed that the majority of Americans believe that to be the case. Only four out of ten Americans believe that the death penalty is nonprejudicial and that it is applied equally to both whites and minorities.

Noah on Apr 24, 2015 10:02 AM said:

Wow do 41% of Americans not know the data.