The Biggest Problems With Our Tax System

by SavvyRoo on Mar 20, 2015 | Views: 178 | Score: 0
% of Americans saying this aspect of the federal tax system bothers them ... Not much / Not at allSomewhatDon't knowA lot
The belief that corporations don't pay their fair share1618264
The belief that wealthy people don't pay their fair share2018161
The system's complexity2528344
The amount they pay in taxes4626127
The belief that poor people don't pay their fair share5622220
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SavvyRoo on Mar 20, 2015 12:55 PM said:

The American federal tax system: its messy, convoluted, and, without a doubt, flawed. For the majority of Americans, however, the biggest critique of the system is not its complexity but its fairness. About six out of every ten citizens of the United States claim what bothers them most about the federal system is that neither corporations nor the wealthy pay their fair share.