FAUX News: Led Us to War, One Lie at a Time

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 28, 2013 | Views: 202 | Score: 0
US has found evidence of Hussein/Iraq working closely with al Qaeda6749484016
US has found Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq3320201711
Internationally, Most People Favor US Invasion352024175
Percentage of Americans holding misperception, 2003
False Perceptions Leading Up to Iraqi Invasion
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 28, 2013 5:26 PM said:

The extent of Americans' misbelief on issues varies tremendously depending on their news source. 56% of those polled said that they were following news about the situation in Iraq very/somewhat closely. Yet, when asked questions about the US invasion of Iraq, Fox News viewers were roughly 30% more likely to be misinformed about essential facts. Of these three questions polled, Fox viewers were 3x as likely to hold all three misperceptions; 80% held at least one. These misinformed beliefs among voters played a key role in generating and maintaining approval for the decision to invade Iraq.