Who is Most Likely to Own a Smartphone? By Race
by Kamil Skwarek on Feb 24, 2015 | Views: 139 | Score: 0
In 2014...did not own a smartphone | Owned a smartphone | |
White | 29 | 71 |
Hispanic | 19 | 81 |
African-American | 19 | 81 |
Asian-American | 16 | 84 |
Asian-Americans are the most likely race to own a smartphone. What do you think accounts for the differences between races?
Where did you get the source for this? I find this to be a very interesting and somewhat surprising statistic. I figured ownership would be about the same across all races.
If you click on my source it will direct you to a page where you have to download a report. The report contains a wealth of information about digital media and sports in 2014. I'll be making more charts about the report in the future.
Thank you Kamil. Before I didn't access the full download. I look forward to exploring more.