Is There a Dr. in the House? Not if You're #LGBT

by SavvyRoo on Sep 2, 2014 | Views: 260 | Score: 0
% Without a Personal Doctor...
LGBT Men29
LGBT Women29
Non-LGBT Men27
Non-LGBT Women16
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SavvyRoo on Aug 28, 2014 8:25 AM said:

New data is shedding light on the difference in well-being between LGBT and non-LGBT Americans. LGBT people are less likely to have a primary care doctor or to be able to afford health care in the first place. Overall, the LGBT community has poorer well-being. The findings held true even when accounting for variables like age, educational attainment and race/ethnicity.

Thomas B.
Thomas B. on Sep 8, 2014 11:16 AM said:

This is taken from, Gallop, "the survey says people". It is a self report. Is it unusual that they say they are unhappy? About any aspect in their lives? How about a report on cancer victims? How happy are they with their healthcare choices? Has someone verified these respondents are LGBT? And if it is true, so sad, what could I or anyone else do about it? ... send them to the VA? Just put them on the VA waiting list...I'm sure ... no wait ... oh the scandal.... vets dead before seen by the VA ...never mind... were all screwed not just LGBTs.