“uk” Charts

Britain's Inequality Starting to Match The US »

Britain has seen growing inequality that is beginning to assume U.S. proportions. In terms of wealth, the 100 richest people…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 410
Score: 4

238 Years Later: No Taxation Without Representation »

Though we inherited our civilizational foundations from the United Kingdom, Americans have opposite views to our counterparts across the pond…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 188
Score: 1

Scottish Independence Gaining Ground on Pro-Union Rivals »

William Wallace would be proud. 709 years after his death the people of Scotland are beginning to follow in his…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 157
Score: 1

UK: Top Fifth Inherit Over 142 Times More Than Bottom Fifth »

New analysis by The Equality Trust of ONS statistics has found that the top fifth of inheritors received over 142…

Equality Trust
by: Equality Trust
views: 137
Score: 1

Why Are Americans More Likely to Say They Have Heroes? »

There is a very curious difference in the number of Americans and Brits that say they have personal heroes. Americans…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 128

Huge Differences In US and UK on Vacationing Abroad »

A whopping 91% of British citizens have traveled abroad for vacation, compared to 50% of Americans. Perhaps because of the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 138

Growing Coop Sector Across The Pond »

Despite being the birthplace of modern-day cooperativism, the UK’s co-op sector has remained relatively small. However, since the financial crisis,…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 105

Income Inequality in the UK »

There is a vast difference between the average income of the richest, and the rest of the UK.

Equality Trust
by: Equality Trust
views: 454

Well-being of Children is Worse in Unequal Rich Countries »

The well-being and behavior of young people get a lot of attention in the media. A recent Unicef report, which…

Equality Trust
by: Equality Trust
views: 122

Income Inequality in the UK: CEO vs. Average Worker »

Over the past 30 years, income inequality in the UK has grown at an alarming rate. This infographic, displaying the…

Equality Trust
by: Equality Trust
views: 152

Income Inequality in the UK: National Minimum Wage »

In the UK, for a National Minimum Wage (NMW) worker to earn as much as a major CEO in a…

Equality Trust
by: Equality Trust
views: 88

The US Post Office - Cheapest in the World (almost) »

Our post office is cheaper by far than for most other developed countries, but it's been shoved by Congress into…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 127

Global leader - US topping the poll »

Gallup surveyed 130 countries in 2012 and asked people if they approved or disapproved of the leadership of the United…

by: AEI
views: 98

USA #1: The World's Widest CEO Pay Inequality »

The number of New York Times articles that mention inequality, notes University of California at Berkeley sociologist Claude Fischer, has…

The World's Nations with the Most Millionaires »

Households holding over $1 million worth of stocks, bonds, and other financial assets make up just 0.9 percent of global…

Great Recession: Great for Our Top 1% »

Back in 1996, the developed world's top 10 percent took home 8.9 times the income of the bottom 10 percent.…