“teen-pregnancy” Charts

Trend in Teen Birth Rates in the United States »

Teen births fell at a rate of 2.5 percent per year between 1991 and 2008; that rate tripled to 7.5…

The Brookings Institution
by: The Brookings Institution
views: 255
Score: 4

Annual Percentage Change in Teen Birth Rates Since 1991 »

Teen births fell at a rate of 2.5 percent per year between 1991 and 2008; that rate tripled to 7.5…

The Brookings Institution
by: The Brookings Institution
views: 132
Score: 2

Americans Underestimate Their Own Views On Abortion »

Americans were asked to judge where they think other Americans stand on abortion, and then to state their own views.…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 180
Score: 2

Long-term contraceptives can reduce teen pregnancy by 36% »

Long-term contraceptive's have been shown to help reduce teen pregnancies significantly. The New England Journal of Medicine's 2014 article "Provision…

Joseph Abay
by: Joseph Abay
views: 207
Score: 1

Teen Pregnancy Isn't as Bad as We Think »

Recently, there have been reality shows that show teen pregnancies as well as teen moms. According to statistics, there has…

September Oliveros
by: September Oliveros
views: 94
Score: 1

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Lowers Teen Birth Rate »

The Contraceptive CHOICE study followed a cohort of sexually active teenagers between ages 14-19 in St. Louis. The study measured…

Lori H.
by: Lori H.
views: 75

Teenage Birth Rates Higher in More Unequal Rich Countries »

The differences in teen birth rates between countries is striking. Babies born to teenage mothers are more likely to have…

Equality Trust
by: Equality Trust
views: 107

Abortion Views: Restrictive States vs. Nonrestrictive States »

Americans living in states that restrict abortion to within 22 weeks of pregnancy are likely to believe that abortion should…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 111

Repeat Teen Births by State »

In the U.S., the Southern states have the highest percentages of repeat teen births while the Northeastern states have the…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 113

Repeat Teen Births by Birth Order »

There were 66,800 total births by American teens (age 15-19) who had previously given birth. Of these births, 1,200 of…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 104