“social-media2” Charts

Age Makeup of Social Networks, Snapchat Dominant Among... »

With 71% of Snapchat users in the 18-34 age range, it's by far the most popular social media network among…

Kamil Skwarek
by: Kamil Skwarek
views: 633
Score: 2

Sports on the Go: the Increase of Sports on Mobile »

From October 2012 to October 2014, 42% more people consumed sports on their mobile device. In 2014, the average American…

Kamil Skwarek
by: Kamil Skwarek
views: 261

The Rise of Technology »

2014 was truly the year mobile became mainstream. The growth of digital video viewing skyrocketed from Q2 2013 to Q2…

Kamil Skwarek
by: Kamil Skwarek
views: 198