“real-estate” Charts

Our households are shrinking but our houses are growing »

In 2013, the average size of new houses built increased to an all-time high of 2,679 square feet. Over the…

by: AEI
views: 755
Score: 6

Chinese investment in the US »

Chinese (nonbond) investments in the US range from minority stakes in large financial enterprises to outright purchases of small medical…

by: AEI
views: 372
Score: 4

Where do Americans move? »

When changing their places of residency in 2011-12, 64.4% of moving Americans (23.5 million) relocated within the same county. 18.6%…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 183
Score: 2

What Happens to Real Estate When You Riot? »

Aside from St. Louis, which is in the area, all of the towns listed on the chart share a border…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 192
Score: 1

Mortgage Flow: Great Depression vs. Great Recession »

In the years preceding both the Great Depression and the Great Recession, the net flow of mortgage funds surged above…

Cato Institute
by: Cato Institute
views: 258
Score: 1

The Best Investment For Your Money »

For many Americans, the housing bubble must be a distant memory. For the second year in a row, a plurality…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 169

The most common internet scams reported by the FBI »

While the email from a "Nigerian Prince" claiming he is your long-lost cousin may be a very well-known internet scam,…

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 141

Residential Square Footage per Person »

In 2005, 38.8% of U.S. households provided 500 to <1000 square feet of floor space per person. 31.8% of households…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 144

Houses Are Getting More Crowded »

This graph shows the percentage of all occupied housing units that are crowded (1.01 or more people per room) and…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 113

What are the main reasons that people move? »

In 2011-2012, there were 36.5 million Americans who changed their place of residency. Of these movers, 49.4% relocated due to…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 193

Fewer Americans Are Moving »

The number of Americans moving to different homes has been trending downward since 1984-85. Along with this, the percentage of…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 118

The Rise and Fall of the Drive-In Movie Theater »

The drive-in movie business exploded in the 1940s and 50s, reaching the peak number of open drive-in theaters in 1958…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 181

Fewer Bank Failures »

After the financial crisis in 2008, banks began closing their doors as they went out of business and were acquired.…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 106

Housing Prices on the Rise »

Housing prices are once again on the rise. After peaking in the first quarter of 2007 and subsequently bottoming out…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 137

Housing Market on the Rebound »

After the burst of the housing bubble and the ensuing financial crisis, the housing market finally appears to be recovering.…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 194